Kill Chase, by Ron Morgans, is a mystery novel rich in descriptive prose and charm. While I must admit at the outset that "mystery novels" really aren't the genre I usually read, this one was still quite good.
Especially noteworthy is Morgans grasp of his settings. In every location, whether European, American or other, Morgan makes you feel like he's been there personally and is delivering a snapshot in hand--and hey, since the man lives in spain, he may very well be giving us these rich perspectives from memory.
A killer is on the loose and threatening the Queen. Ex-inspector Christian Boyd is called in by the Yard because of his particular knowledge of the supposed killer's moniker, but are they chasing the right man? Also on the killer's trail is paparazzo, Henrietta Fox, but she's becoming dangerously entangled in this chase.
For those of you who love mystery and crime novels, this one will no doubt satisfy your appetites, even though my personal tastes are more in the action, thriller, sci-fi genre. Hey, I'm still a Law & Order fan!